There has been little stitching done recently. I did finish this ornament from the 2006 JCS ornament magazine. It's a design by Cherished Stitches.
Hope you are all having a good week!
The in-laws left this morning to back to Canada. It was totally fine having them to stay. I felt bad to be so ill for the week they were here and not very good company as a result, but they understood. Whilst im glad to have the place to ourselves again, it is always sad for DH to say goodbye. He gets on well with his parents, especially his dad and really misses him. His mum always gets quite upset when leaving and i do feel sorry for her. She is actually English so she made that move away from her family herself when she got married. I wish all our family lived in the same place but they don't so goodbyes are part and parcel of our life.
I went to my quilting class last night. Just did more cutting out and measuring so i'll wait until i finish my homework (lots of sewing!) before i give an update. Better go and do some work. I'm working (!) from home today to stop spreading my cold germs around the office!
Jocelyn - if you read this, i can't comment on your blog as you havent turned the comments moderation on! Maybe that's on purpose but i just thought i'd let you know anyway. Your blog is great by the way :)
As well as all this, Thursday was quilting class number 2. It's so much fun. Cutting out and measuring is hard work though. At one point the room was totally silent (unusual for a room full of 12 women!) as we were all concentrating so hard. Even the tea was ignored...even more unusual for women in Scotland! So we cut out our squares and triangles and sewed the triangles together. We didn't get it all done in class, i had to do the sewing last night. We are hand sewing. This is the middle block of the tablerunner. I believe the pattern is called Shoofly?! You quilters out there can keep me right.
Tomorrow we have a super busy day at church so today there will be hard core cleaning and tidying for the arrival of the in-laws on Monday. Not my favourite way to spend a saturday but hey, it's better than being at work. Before i go, has everyone seen the Stitching Bloggers Birthday Club? You should check it out!
Have a good weekend!
Quilting class number 2 tonight! We begin cutting...wish me luck!
Rather than stitch this as one big piece, i think i will stitch 12 little ornaments. Probably not before Christmas this year though!
I also bought Lizzie Kate's "Baby Sampler." I loved this one after seeing it on Hannah's blog. My friend had a baby on the 27th (one month early) and im going to stitch this for baby emma who is only 3lb11 at the moment and is still in hospital. Before i go has everyone seen the companion piece to Cirque des Cercles? It's called Triangular and you can see it here. I can't decide whether i like it or not. Im curious to see what you CdC stitchers think. Thanks Cindy for the link!