Well lo and behold im actually having an urge to stitch again! Its been a looong time, maybe 7 months or so. I need to find something to stitch for Aaron. Any suggestions? This is what i stitched for Caleb
here. I stitched it again for my nephew but i haven't finished it yet, hopefully by his first birthday in January! So im looking for a birth sampler for Aaron...just cross stitch, no fancy stitching. Suggestions welcome! I want it to incorporate his name, birth weight and date of birth.
My boy is doing great. Breastfeeding well and sleeping well. Im a happy mummy! Im laughing reading back on some of my old posts when Caleb was born in 2009. We found it so hard and were so exhausted. How did 2 adults not cope with one baby? LOL. We were so unsure of everything with Caleb, kept trying to put him in his crib when he looked asleep (then he always woke up), sat up all night trying to feed him, made sure his nappy was changed before every feed, spent hours researching the pros and cons of dummy use, agonised over giving him one bottle at night. Of course Caleb got some viruses early on which made things more stressful but generally im so much more chilled with Aaron. Lets hope it continues! (My hubby goes back to work on Wednesday, im anticipating my meltdown at some point after that LOL)