For those of you that are regular visitors to my blog, you will know that i am in a LHN Round Robin that the lovely Donna set up
Heartfelt Friends RR Above is a picture of my RR at present. Isnt it lovely?! I think its on its way from Donna to Edgar at the moment. Anyway, one of the stitchers has pulled out and i was wondering if anyone out there in blogland would be willing to stitch one of the squares for me and of course a wee gift will be stitched for you in return :) I have already stitched one of the squares (its partly complete at the moment) so dont really want 2 stitched by myself seeing as its about friendship etc The theme is LHN designs and my only specification is that the square has to include a house! Anyone willing? I understand if not but i would really, really appreciate it if someone is willing!
Last night i finished Gilmore Girls season 7. Ive had the boxset for ages but couldnt bring myself to watch it knowing it was the last ever season! I liked the way it ended, although i think Rory should have stayed with Logan. I did cry at the end but maybe that was more to do with pregnancy hormones that anything else LOL
I realised i never posted any pictures of our holiday back in June. We flew to Portugal but we were actually staying over the border in Spain. We had a great week. The hotel was gorgeous. It was situated right on a golf course and was nice and peaceful. We relaxed the whole week - i read a lot of books! The weather was perfect. Here are some snaps

Mum and Dad to be:

Have a good weekend. Its a local holiday here which means i get Monday off woohoo!!
Hi Cheryl, I'd be happy to stitch on your RR for you - if you don't mind sending it all the way to NZ?
That RR is beautiful, but I couldn't take part in it right now, I have a heap of model stitching to be done, plus some RRs, but I'm sure there will be plenty volunteers.
Cheryl, I would be interested in stitching on your RR if Rowyn doesn't pan out.
Looks like you have found a stitcher already and a back up just in case as well... ;o)...!! O well, if you need a backup backup... here's another volunteer... *grin*...
Hope you find someone to help hyou out with your RR.
Pic of your holidays are lovely, look at the colour of the sky....we coud do with that here right now.
Happy stitching...
The RR is gorgeous. Lovely holiday pics too. :0)
Looks like you have some volunteers, lovely! Your vacation photos look nice. I like your pregnancy ticker up top!
Have a nice weekend.
What a beautiful sunset photo. Looks like you had fun on your vacation, and that little baby of yours was probably vacationing with you as well then. Cute photo of you and hubby.
It looks like you had a wonderful trip and you and your DH look so happy!!
(I see you've got lots of volunteers for your RR. If it were another time I'd be happy to stitch for you but time just won't allow it right now.)
Lovely pics of your vacation!
hiya i just want to say lovley stitching and wondeful picts of your holiday it looked like you had a great time.
Your rr went off to Edgar today! It will be home to you soon! Hope you are feeling better!
Looks like you're all set for your rr. Great holiday snaps. You look fab! xx
Congrats on having so many offers to stitch for you...I'm a day late and a dollar short, lol! Great pic of the parents-to-be!
Your RR is looking so pretty, and it looks like you've got your additional stitcher covered, with several backups.:)
Lovely pictures from your holiday, the sunset was beautiful.
Drats, too late to put my name forth to stitch on your RR.
Cheryl - I know that Donna has sent this on to me. When I have finished stitching this up would you like for me to just send it along to the last stitcher? Let me know where you would like for send it.
Love your holiday photos! The one of you and your DH is really good.
Looks like I'm too late to offer any help with your RR although I would have loved to. It's looks so lovely!
Hi Cheryl,
I felt the same way about GG. I so wanted Rory to stay with Logan - they were so great together and he was just so darn cute. LOL The ending of them was really sad on screen. I watch the discs now and again - starting season 6 back to back now. I've missed it.
So many nice offers to help out on your RR .. aren't stitchers wonderful :)
I so miss Gilmore Girls. I remember all to clearly watching the last season, and crying at the end too, and I'm not pregnant! lol
Looks like I am too late to volunteer but glad you found someone. Always so sad when someone has to drop out of an RR but thats life and we all hit snags now and again.
Glad to hear you are well and the piccies are fab from your hols....I would offer to help o your RR but you have a list as long as your arm already...lol
Looks like you had a great holiday!
We have all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls too - my daughter's favorite; I enjoy watching them too.
Looks like you've had several volunteers to help with your RR-by the wya, it looks great so far!
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