My new start for 2011 is a baby sampler for my sister. Her baby (boy) is due one week today! Very exciting. It will be great for Caleb to have a boy cousin so near and so close in age.
Ive decided to stitch the same piece i stitched for Caleb. Remember it? I am still very proud of it, click here. Anyone else ever stitched the same big piece twice? Im finding it ok as it was 2 years ago since i stitched it for Caleb. Here's my progress so far. My sis knows it wont be ready for babies arrival haha but she's moving house on Friday (crazy right?!) and i've told her to save a space on the nursery wall :-)
Please remember our friend Cam today in your prayers. He is undergoing major brain surgery to remove a tumour he has had for years which is now just too big. Cam is the dad of one of Matthews close friends in Canada and Matthew has known him all his life. Surgery is at 12.45pm GMT, 7.45am in Canada. We will be on our knees.
Your stitching is so nice. I love that sampler ! Hope everything is going to be alright with that surgery !!
That is such a sweet sampler - how fun that Caleb and his cousin will share it, and will be close in age. :D
I have stitched the same design a couple of times (though nothing as large as this) and found it fine.
Great start to the baby sampler! I remember when you stitched the one for Caleb!
The baby sampler looks great and what a wonderful gift. It never amazes me that women can have babies and move house on top of all else. I did this with my second child and worked up to the end too...though not as close to moving date as your sister. (I had two unexpected weeks...3 overdue). It has something to do with the nesting process maybe as lots seem to do it...also need more space. I have a cross stitch that folks love and have asked for that I do over and over and I love it. It is special because the chart was given to me by my dearest friend who passed away prematurely in her life...she introduced me to cross stitch. This one you are repeating is very special to you wonderful to share that and the feeling that goes with it with your sis.
What an exciting time! I remember well the sampler you did for Caleb.
Very best wishes for your friend's surgery. Irene xxx
Great start on that beautiful sampler Cheryl.
Hope your friends surgery went well.
Aw that's perfect! Something they'll cherish forever. :)
How wonderful that you are stitching your sister the same sampler! You've made great progress on it.
I will add my prayers to yours that your friend recovers well from his surgery.
I moved before the 3rd baby and not something I'd do again, lol! So glad you have joined us on FS. I don't follow people but I do have a blog list that stretches from here to Glasgow and keep up with everyone that way! I send best wishes and prayers for Cam and hope all goes well.
Love the start of the sampler, your sister will be very pleased and my thoughts are with Cam...I'll keep my fingers crossed
I hope your friend's operation went well and he is recovering quickly.
It's a gorgeous sampler. I hope you'll post a pic of your new nephew when he arrives!
I hope your friends operation went well and that he makes a good recovery.
Nice start on the birth sampler
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